
Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Fuzzy Fuzzy Cat Song  

If you don't enjoy mildly cute stories about my cats, you can stop reading now. If you do enjoy mildly cute stories about my cats, you should read this for comic relief, for reasons that will become clear later.

SO ANYWAY ... shortly after my wife and I got the cats, I started singing a bit of nonsense verse at them: "fuzzy, fuzzy, fuzzy cat." This developed a melody and my wife picked it up too. Now it's a whole song. Most of the effect is lost if you can't hear it sung, but I suspect you would regret hearing me sing it more than you would regret just reading the lyrics (which you would probably also regret).

Nonetheless, I present the lyrics here anyways:

Fuz-zy, fuz-zy, fuzzy cat.
Fuz-zy, fuz-zy, fuzzy cat.
Fuz-zy, fuz-zy, fuzzy cat.
Fuzzy. Fuzzy. Cat.

Sur-ly, bur-ly, surly cat.
Sur-ly, sur-ly, burly cat.
Bur-ly, sur-ly, surly cat.
Surly. Burly. Cat.

Scare-dy, frai-dy, scaredy cat.
Scare-dy, scar-edy, fraidy cat.
Frai-dy, scare-dy, scaredy cat.
Scaredy. Fraidy. Cat.

Doot doot doot doot doop de doo.
Doot doot doot doot doop de doo.
Doot doot doot doot doop de doo.
Doot. Doop. Doo.

Fuz-zy, fuz-zy, fuzzy cat.
Sur-ly, bur-ly, surly cat.
Scare-dy, frai-dy, scaredy cat.
Fuzzy. Fuzzy. Cats.

The judges will also accept "doop doop doop doop doo de doo" for the third verse. We're still trying to place the melody - where it came from, or where it was adapted from, where The. Odd. Pauses. in the last line came from. Regardless, if you hate pet stories, this was probably enough to make you puke.

If so, this was for you. You know who you are.
-the Centaur



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